In this article I’ll explore a Noteflight Learn site, in use at a school in New York City. It’s always valuable to share real-world stories of how technology can serve … Continue reading “Teaching Within A Noteflight Community: One Educator’s View”

In this article I’ll explore a Noteflight Learn site, in use at a school in New York City. It’s always valuable to share real-world stories of how technology can serve … Continue reading “Teaching Within A Noteflight Community: One Educator’s View”
Ann has become an important part of our Noteflight creative community, both musically and in the relationships she has formed with other users. She is an accomplished scientist who studied … Continue reading “User Profile: Ann Gauger, Scientist and Composer”
Our exciting series of composition contests will continue this fall. But instead of leaving you with a bleak, contest-free summer, we decided to offer something light-hearted as a break from … Continue reading “Summer Composition Contest: Workout Music!”
You’ve seen the scores of our video game theme contest winners, now watch the performance and hear the recording of these incredible pieces played by a 35 piece string ensemble! … Continue reading “Performances of our Video Game Music Contest Winners!”
Time to exercise your big band composing chops by entering our newest contest! Write an original piece for a sixteen-piece jazz ensemble and receive your score published and promoted by … Continue reading “Big Band Jazz Composition Contest”
We asked the winner of our recent Video Game Music composition contest, Aaron Ishibashi, to talk with us about his musical background, inspirations, and how he came to write such … Continue reading “User Profile: Aaron Ishibashi, our Video Game Music Contest Winner”
Noteflight is proud to announce the grand prize winner of our video game composition contest! Aaron Ishibashi (username aishi): After the War Congratulations Aaron!!! We’d also like to highlight the … Continue reading “Video Game Contest: Final Results!”
Noteflight is proud to announce the top six entries in our Video Game Composition Contest. As always with these competitions, we received many amazing pieces. Over the past month or … Continue reading “Video Game Contest… We’re down to the Final Six!”
Noteflight is pleased to announce a new composition contest for video game music. With three eminent video game composers on the judging panel, this contest will offer the Noteflight community … Continue reading “Video Game Music Composition Contest!”
Dear Noteflighters (or Notepilots, as some of you prefer to be called), In our travels on the forums, on our user support line, and in discussions with composers, students, and … Continue reading “Using Noteflight: Tips, Best Practices, and Cool Features You Might Not Know About”